Monday, January 26, 2009


Well, I did not end up reading The Virgin's Lover next. After seeing the Twilight movie, I had to go get the last two books ASAP! I found them at Half Price Books in perfect condition. I was not as impressed with Eclipse. To be honest, the plot of this one sort of dragged. I wanted to read it so that I would know what happened, but I just could not get into it as much. Maybe that was partly because I tried to read it during a really busy time at work and over the holidays so I never had the opportunity to read a whole lot at once? I don't know. Still worth reading if you have read the rest (especially becasue the last one is SO good!!).

Plot: Something to do with an evil vampire chick and an army of newborns. I won't spoil it for you.

Read: Dec. 8 - Jan. 1

Next Up: Breaking Dawn

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